I. INTRODUCTION: 1.1. Screen of Israel is not a commercial project. 1.2. Screen of Israel has been created and is supported solely through the funds provided by Kostico Zukerka. He is also the legal owner of the given site.
II. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: 2.1. All of the materials (texts, graphics, etc.) presented through Screen of Israel have an ownership. 2.2. All of the rights associated with the materials that can be found on Screen of Israel belong to their legal owners. 2.3. All of the rights associated with any of translations belong to Kostico Zukerka, unless indicated otherwise. All of the rights associated with originals of translated texts belong to their rightful owners. 2.4. Those materials that do not belong to the project Screen of Israel, will be removed as soon as the legal owner or his representative requests for it.
III. LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY: 3.1. Screen of Israel carries no responsibility for the information copied from elsewhere. There will be references and hyperlinks provided for all of the materials of this kind. 3.2. Screen of Israel does not support video piracy and urges everyone to watch films either in movie theaters or using licensed information carriers. 3.3. Screen of Israel does not contain any illegal information and does not carry any sort of responsibility for the information contained on the web-pages and in the files to which it refers and provides links.
IV. THE USE OF THE MATERIALS FOUND ON THIS WEB-SITE: 4.1. Copying and reproduction of the materials owned by Screen Israel is permitted under the condition of providing hyperlink to the original source and the name of author.
Фишка это сообщество друзей, которые в один прекрасный день основали организацию, цель которой - создание площадки, позволяющей русскоязычной молодежи Израиля участвовать в общинной, культурной и социальной жизни нашей страны.